Richard Sprengers,
Founder & Business Consultant

"People make the company. This is why."

At Upshift, we believe in people. This makes the difference in how Upshift handles the job.
Our specialists actively explore and anticipate on the underlying needs and challenges of your team to help them perform at their best.

Below you'll find our team that can't wait to connect.

Meet our team

Meet our growing team. From data crunchers to business go getters. Ready to go fast.


We empower you and make you smarter. As a team.

We make sure you become the best version of yourselves on any channel that your customer uses.

Emeline about working at Upshift

"No day is the same. We adapt to our customers needs. Every day."

Are you ready to team Up?

We are. So say hi and meet us soon. To expand both your business as your team.